Energising & Invigorating the Body_assignment

Your Task In order to complete this assignment you need to do this process at least 3 times on different clients. Focus on: Go slow in pressing the points as very potent. That way your clients can get used to the pressure rather then jumping of the matt from intensity. Make sure they use fire […]

Opening the Spine at start of Session_assignment

Your Task In order to complete this assignment you need to do this practise 10 times in your practise sessions. As you saw I do this at the beginning of every session and I invite you to do the same. Then tell me how it was and how your clients respond to it. Focus on: […]

Importance of prayer during the session_assignment

Your Task In order to complete this assignment please think about what I’m sharing in this video and the power of prayer I’m talking about. Then perhaps come up with your own prayer and practise it while you work. Focus on: Working like this, from the source energy will help you in your work with clients. […]

Working with I Am Presence_assignment

Your Task In order to complete this assignment you need to do 3 hours of practise of sitting with yourself.  Look for that quiet place in yourself and then invoke I Am Presence like I show in the video. Then write a little and tell me how it was.   Focus on: You will have […]

Protecting yourself from picking up negative energy_assignment

Your Task In your own words describe what you got from this lesion. Focus on: Free will and consent. Scope: Not more than 500 words for each rapport. General notes The assignments give you an opportunity to self evaluate and to study in depth the various topics of this training. Please see them as an […]

Connecting Energy Lines_assignment

Your Task In order to complete this assignment you need to do 3 sessions of practise of what is shown in the video. This is a great practise and you’ll probably use it in every session you’ll do so well worth investing time in getting the feel for it 🙂 Focus on: Feeling the specific  […]

Helping the energy run thru the body & Working with Elements _assignment

Your Task In order to complete this assignment you need to practise helping energy run thru the body, working on the central channel, and feeling the elements in 3 sessions with your friends or family. The more you practise the better results will be. You can practise some of this in every other session you’ll […]

Opening the Sushumna and Energy body_assignment

Your Task In order to complete this assignment you need to do at least 3 sessions of practise of what is shown in the video. Please write a rapport of how it went and what you learned.   Focus on: Feeling the energy opening at each point Getting clear when Sushumna is ready This will […]

Sensitising energetic fingers & working with universal energy_assignment

Your Task In order to complete this assignment you need to do 3 hours of practise of what is shown in the video. You can split it in 6 half hour practise sessions if you like. Please write a rapport of how it went and what you learned. Practise strengthening you physical fingers as well […]

Sensitising your hands & body_assignment

Your Task In order to complete this assignment you need to do 3 hours of practise of what is shown in the video. You can split it in 6 half hour practise sessions if you like. Please write a rapport of how it went and what you learned. Practise “clocking”, or taking “note” of your […]